Wednesday, August 22, 2012


A new beginning for our 2011 Computers in Homes trainees is about to begin. These trainees will be doing anything from basic computer maintenance to buying, selling or swapping things on Trademe to making their own Excel spreadsheets. I can't wait to start this up again, I miss this lot.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 8 & 9

The powers that be have okayed the use of the class' certificates for their graduation ceremony. The certificates are fantastic and look great; considering that the class has only had two sessions on inserting pictures for a watermark and wordart. It's a week to go to graduation and the class is humming along. The lessons have been learnt, the emails and attachments sent, pictures have been inserted, certificates designed; decorated and printed, invitations sent out, $50 to be paid, computers to be packed and ready to be shipped to their new owners and last but not least graduation day; 8th December 2011 at 6pm with dignitaries in tow.